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by force of造句

"by force of"是什么意思  
  • The enemy won by force of numbers .
  • Gus, by force of long habit, went into his stomach exercise .
  • He had brought his friends here, almost by force of friendship .
  • Kim is one of the bar girl by force of living
  • A great man can dominate others by force of character
  • A great man can dominate others by force of character
  • A great man can dominate over others by force of character
  • We were compelled by force of circumstance to take action
  • In america , industry conversion was adjusted by force of market
  • He improved the quality of work in his department by force of example
  • It's difficult to see by force of in a sentence. 用by force of造句挺难的
  • By force of habit
  • We will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary
  • Minorities are often compelled , either by force of arms or economic circumstance , to relocate
  • This is not primarily the task of arms , though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary
  • Others have made similar misjudgments . they believe they can preserve their system by force of arms alone . they overestimate their own resilience
  • The origins of contemporary canadian constitution crisis can be traced back to early years when britain conquered the new france colony by force of arms
  • ( 3 ) it blocks up small towns to come into being the science plan and reasonable distribution mechanism by force of forming bar and loaf partition because of present administ
  • Then as soon as the copy of king artaxerxes ' document was read before rehum and shimshai the scribe and their colleagues , they went in haste to jerusalem to the jews and stopped them by force of arms
    拉4 : 23亚达薛西王的上谕读在利宏、和书记伸帅、并他们的同党面前、他们就急忙往耶路撒冷去见犹大人、用势力强迫他们停工。
  • One day , however , when he had been conning one of his music - scores , and by force of imagination was hearing the tune in his head , he lapsed into listlessness , and the music - sheet rolled to the hearth
  • And it must be remembered that reason had little part in this . chicago dawning , she saw the city offering more of loveliness than she had ever known , and instinctively , by force of her moods alone , clung to it
  • 更多造句:  1  2
如何用by force of造句,用by force of造句by force of in a sentence, 用by force of造句和by force of的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。